May 22, 2023Liked by Phutatorius

Beautifully written and emotionally charged depiction of our lost city. I am much older than you, I went back 2 yrs ago, it pained me and pained me even more when those who never left, defended the loss of the wonderful, vibrant town I grew up in, as being just as great now.

And yes, Abruzzi’s restaurant was a big part of what Warren was. The anniversaries, birthdays, and special occasion meals that we dressed up for and your Grandpa not only played the trumpet but made us feel like we were the most important person in the restaurant each and every time! Maybe The Hand caused the demise or maybe small minded people simply still refuse to believe that the way things were will never come back. Anything stagnant is bound to stink.

Sorry I rambled but ‘My city was gone’ brought out so many emotions of the amazing childhood I had and the sadness I felt 2 years ago.

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June 7, 1911 - Warren, Ohio is the first city in the U.S. to have all of it's streets illuminated with incandescent lamps. Those lamps were manufactured in the city at the Superior Electric Co. on Summit St., right next to the Mahoningside power plant.

The city became known as "The Tungsten City" and "Lampville, U.S.A."

Warren was second, only to New York City in electric lamp production. By 1920 Warren had 20 electric lamp manufacturers and was the fastest growing city in Ohio.

So many missed opportunities from our town.....

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